Lucy Hall

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3 Quick Ideas To Get More Facebook Page Engagement

In this post I will give you 3 quick ideas to help you boost conversation and get more Facebook  page engagement. The problem:

You've had a Facebook page for sometime and in the good old days you didn't have to do that much to generate conversation. But now people's attentions are being split everywhere and Facebook's elusive algorithm has changed and is always changing. Like Google there's no way really to beat the system without getting a slap on the wrist (and rightly so). So what can you do to get that old conversational spark back that you once had without breaking the rules?

1. Post less promotional material 

The best thing you can do right now is ditch the sales and think about how you can show off your expertise or products without actually shouting BUY THIS at every given opportunity. Saving your promotions for advertising means you can spend your time getting social with your fans. Create a content calendar and put together a mix of content which is interesting, inspiring, fun and engaging. Use Canva to create fun images and post planner to find already well known viral content.

2. Ask questions

This is such a simple yet effective way to start a conversation in the real world and on social media. I love, love love!! Post Planner. If you can't think of anything to ask your tribe simply get some awesome ideas here. They include a mix of questions in many different areas including trivia questions which are sometimes just irresistible for people not to comment on!

3. Use Video

Videos uploaded to directly to your facebook page will possibly enjoy a 25% increase in engagement, not only that but video's also get you more reach! This article by Social Media Examiner: 8 Ways to Use Facebook Video for More Engagement is a good place to get the lowdown on the type of content that will see your engagement soar!

Try these 3 things for at least a week and let me know how you got on. Have you seen an increase in engagement? ... You know with engagement comes trust and when someone trusts you they'll be quite happy to recommend you..right?