Video, whatever way you look at is so powerful for getting your message across, people prefer to watch than read through long drawn out blogs. Many people are also too busy to read long blog posts yet can watch or listen to your video whilst multitasking. Periscope live stream is like recorded video because it can be viewed again and again within 24 hours via the app and afterwards using tools such as, having said that LIVE video broadcasting is more powerful than normal, pre recorded video, here's why:

It's Right now and It's Real Time

Do you sometimes watch videos and just think, this looks all a bit, well.. false? A bit too rehearsed? You don't get this with live broadcasting on Periscope, it's right now, it's realtime, it's quirky, it's unexpected. Live broadcast makes you seem more human. There's no hiding, or practicing 100 times to get the right look or angle and the content comes across like it should, like you are having a conversation. With Live broadcasting people can expect the unexpected, you never know when they'll be a 'peri-bomb' (where someone literally jumps on your scope - normally animals and small children!) But that's all part of the fun and the real - authenticity of delivering content through live broadcast. It's certainly a lot more fun and entertaining.

Live interaction with your audience!

Periscope is a two way conversation unlike pre recorded video. People can comment and ask you questions in real time and you can respond instantly live. Your video broadcast becomes more real, authentic, relevant and in the moment whereas by the time you've delivered and edited pre recorded video it may be dated and viewers may not feel compelled to comment or share.

Periscope Live Broadcasting is Easy

You need a smartphone and the Periscope app! Then you just press the record button and you are ready to go live! That's it. If you have followers and great titles and content you could have thousands of views throughout 1 video! You can also save the video to upload to you tube later, people are also able to comment and share the video on periscope for up to 24 hours.  This makes live broadcasting easy for everyone, you can be anywhere at anytime and have just a phone and a decent 3/4g connection or wifi and you can go live. You don't have to be somewhere special with the special lighting and equipment, Periscope is not about that, it's about making a connection with your audience. With pre recorded video there is so much more to think about!

Pre recorded video will always have great benefits but live broadcasting is so much more powerful, authentic and engaging. Plus it's free! no pre production or post production costs and very little messing about.

I'm launching a new online course! Getting started with Periscope - The 30 day challenge! - Register your interest below and i'll notify you when it launches.

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Top Tips for An Awesome Periscope Broadcast


5 Tips for Growing Your Periscope Following