Lucy Hall

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Simple way to create a Snapchat Geofilter (No design skills needed!)

Here's a really great way to create a Snapchat geofilter with no design skills! (Very quick and satisfying read!) Snapchat Geofilters are a great way to snap moments that include your special event whether it be personal or business, such as Birthdays, Weddings, Corporate Events or Special Occasions.

I shared a video recently  via Social Day showing you how to create a Snapchat Geofilter using Canva, well now you don’t even need to do that!

Snapchat has added a new feature where you can simply login and create and edit templated Geofilters!

Currently Snapchat has 3 categories for design your own: Birthdays, Celebrations and Weddings.

So how do you do it?

1.Go to and login with your snapchat ID and password.

2. Choose – Create online (as seen on right ghostie in screen grab) screen-shot-2016-08-30-at-21-22-48-1024x495






3. Choose the type of event you’d like to create a Geofilter for (Birthdays, celebrations or weddings as per screen grab. Screen Shot 2016-08-30 at 21.22.55







4. Use the editor to design your snapchat Geofilter – No design skills necessary!

5.Choose the date you wish your Geofilter to run from and to.







6. Choose your area, such as a venue or house where the event takes place. Remember the wider the SQFtage the higher the price. Generally for 1 venue for 24hrs it will be just $5!


























So there you go! What Geofilter will you be creating next?