Writing a Great Business Bio For Your Social Media Profiles

Creating a great bio for your social media profiles is important for your business. If you want to look professional and establish your authority on social media your profile should be the first thing you look at because it's the first thing people look at when they want to see what you or your businesses is all about. So how do you write a great bio for your social media profiles? what exactly do you need to think about? Here's my 5 top tips! Business or Personal

If you are writing a bio for your business and you are trying to gain more customers, network with professionals or trying to build a respected business reputation you will do much better to use a professional tone and style. In other words: Try to use professional terms, make sure your spelling and grammar is good. Don't be too personal or controversial here.

Including a sprinkling of personality to your social media bio's won't hurt your business, in fact people do like to deal with real people and social media is meant for and in a personal and a social nature. Clear and Concise 

Avoid jargon. It's not all about sounding super clever (or super smug for that matter)! You objective should be to come across as clear and precise about what you do as possible. Buzzwords and Jargon are a major turn off and often distract the reader from your actual offering. Be really clear about what you offer just without the jargon. Who is your Audience?

It can be hard to establish a tone on social media especially if your target audience is a completely different demographic to you. The trick here is to visualise or profile the typical person you are selling to and write as if you are explaining what you do to them. If you also use this as a rule of thumb for your blog posts and social media updates you'll find using this tone very comfortable and genuine. Repetition 

On social profiles and pages like LinkedIn and Facebook you normally get the chance to explain your accomplishments in detail later on in profile creation so there really is no need to say the same things that you will just go over later. Your bio should be efficient at telling people who you are and thus avoid covering ground that will only be addressed later. Let someone else do it! 

After reading the above tips if you are still having problems trying to get your profile bio and tone right, you can always get someone else to do it for you. Not everyone is great at writing. But if you do decide to outsource your profile just be aware that your bio should still be 'you' and have your 'voice' and be reflective of your business or personality. Never just accept anything you outsource just because it's paid for. If it's not right go back and do it again.

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