How we made the Social Media Planner 2019 (Behind the Scenes Look)

When I decided to create this year’s planner I didn’t want to get it produced cheaply in China. I wanted to create something of the very best quality made here in the UK by a small yet mighty printing business.

That’s why I asked Trevor Lorkings to help with a solution where we could keep the product affordable yet include really high spec materials and design.

Not only did the planning & designing of the covers, the larger coil rings + inner pages take months to devise but creating the actual physical product was a huge amount of work. Trev & his team handmade each cover you see on the planners from the printing to the cutting, the sticking and sourcing of materials.

He’s been sending me updates everyday of the process which has been so interesting & exciting to watch. Every page has been hand cut & every hole has been hand punched.

This product isn’t worth £30 it’s worth so much more. It’s a content and social strategy book that has been hand created with love, passion & care to make sure our customers get the best. It’s about wanting to deliver the wow factor.

That’s what makes people like Trev different he goes over & above what’s required & always brings extra results which he calls A little Digital Alchemy

These photos show the story of how it’s all put together. I hope you find this as interesting as I have.


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